Are you an artist or creative looking to develop your skills in the industry? Are you interested in learning about funding strategies, using new technologies and managing creative spaces?
The University of Galway’s UrbanLab is inviting artists, creative people and anyone interested to join a series of free workshops hosted in partnership with the National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts from Sofia, Bulgaria. The workshops are taking place as part of the Horizon Europe IN SITU project that supports the work of the creative and cultural industries in non-urban areas of Europe.
Four collaborative workshops will be held as interactive and open spaces, starting in the early afternoon of Thursday 22 February and throughout Friday 23 February 2024. They are designed to help participants gain new insights into the creative industries and enhance their skills. The topics range from allowing participants to explore the use of new creative technologies in their work, through developing funding strategies and managing creative spaces, building partnerships with other artists and stakeholders. Dr. Mark Rainey, a member of UrbanLab Galway and researcher on the IN SITU project states, ‘Creative work is much more than the final product or artwork. It is also about how you get there. In this sense fundraising, space management, developing strategies and using new creative technologies for promotion are vital. We are so pleased to welcome members of NATFIZ to Galway and to share their skills and insights’. The University of Galway’s Centre for Creative Technologies will also be supporting the workshops which promise to be exciting, informative and fun.
You can join the four workshops (or some of them upon your choice) online or in person in the seminar room on the ground floor of the Hardiman Library Building on the University of Galway campus:
‘Telling New Stories with Creative Technologies’ (Thursday 22 February, 1.30 pm – 5.00 pm)
‘Creative Funding at the Edge’ (Friday 23 February, 9.30 am – 11.00 am)
‘New Creative Spaces’ (How to Manage and Develop a new Creative Space)’ (Friday 23 February 11.30 am – 1 pm)
‘Strategic Alliances and Coalition Building’ (Friday 23 February, 2 pm-5.30 pm)
Prof. Dr. Lidia Varbanova, Professor and Program Director at NATFIZ, who will be leading some of the workshops, states: ‘Artists need their audiences and supporters, fuelling their work with the power of ongoing collaboration. We designed these workshops for artists, arts entrepreneurs and managers who want to thrive in the ever-evolving world of creativity. Seize this opportunity to unleash your entrepreneurial spirit and innovation potential!’
To register for any of these free workshops please follow this link: (please open with Chrome browser). You will receive a Certificate of attendance upon successful completion of the workshops.
For more information about the workshops and the registration please contact us at:
For media inquiries and further information please contact Mark Rainey at:
Twitter: @GalwayLab; Facebook: UrbanLab Galway; Instagram: urbanlabgalway
NB! The working language is English.
The IN SITU project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101061747.
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