8402-207YES Montreal artists’ conference “Business Skills for Creative Souls” was a great networking and learning event. Over 130 artists, art managers, experts in creative industries and the arts participated and shared viewpoints, ideas, recipes for successful entrepreneurship in the field of arts and culture.

My keynote speech “From Creative to Entrepreneurial Mindset” gave an overview of the ongoing dilemma between the artistic creativity and market principles. We walked together through the history of entrepreneurship, discussing the difference between business and social entrepreneurs. The role of innovations and their importance in the entrepreneurial process was illustrated with lots of examples from North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Finally, we looked at the entrepreneurial business plan. With today`s global trends of scarcity of funding for the arts and increased competition on the market-place, in order to have the best shot at succeeding, a well crafted business plan is the way to go. I also gave some tips for getting a creative business idea internationally:

  • Tell a story
  • Convey a message that everyone can understand
  • Use diverse forms of art and mix them in a creative way
  • Make your art interactive-engage and involve audiences
  • Make fun and entertain, together with presenting/offering a high quality of art
  • Advance and develop all the time, but stay focused!


Prominent art entrepreneurs, managers, industry experts and consultants presented at the conference. Among them: Nadia Myre (award-2015-03-20 11.16.40 winning isual artist), Jordan LeBel, Jean Robert Nolet and Linda Rutenberg, Amy Blackmoore, Juno Young, Tali Goldstein, Mila Auing-Thwin, Howard Bilerman and more. The panel discussions and presentations were so inspiring and engaging!

Here are some precious advices given by the panelist and speakers to the emerging and young arts entrepreneurs:

Start up and managing your creative venture

  • Be real in your art. Be generous, open up to audiences, show up your soul through your art. Be energetic and inspirational, not just someone who offers services of products.
  • You have to know where your art work belongs to, how it relates to others-research before staring.
  • Be fearless when you start. Do not be afraid-be yourself.
  • Prepare well your “elevator pitch” – make it understandable for everyone.
  • Peer groups are very important to check up your initial business idea and give you feedback. Choose people whom you trust and discuss with them.
  • Do not forget that you need to do a lot of free unpaid work before you really start your creative venture and before your first success.
  • Do the best in what you can, and take it out to audiences, clients, buyers. There is no “good art” or “bad art”-everything is relevant and depends on the audience.
  • Be curious all the time. Develop and advance constantly.
  • Connect the dots your way-the unique way you see it is your real competitive advantage.
  • Focus on how do you distinct yourself-your artistic venture is about yourself, your story, your identity.
  • It is not about money only, but about finding the right place to realize your artistic project.



Connections, audiences, communities

  • It is not just the project or the art work that counts. It is all about relationships with others.
  • Personal digital connections are very important in 21st century, but the eye contact is the “soul exchange”. It is of utmost importance when you seek a partner, an investor, a person to start your business with.
  • Successful entrepreneurs aim at being nice “family members” in their respective community-not just to have clients and buyers for their products. Improving the life of the city is very important and artists have a prominent role to play in this direction. It is a question of artistic responsibility, not only a personal choice or actions only. Artists have a huge ego, but it does not mean that they have to do art for themselves. Arts entrepreneurs have to make a change, to move the universe, to make toe world a better place.
  • Have your audience participating in what you do-then the art start living in them, becoming part of their life.
  • Be respectful to your competitors, to other people in the industry. Constantly observe what others are doing and analyze well their successes and failures.
  • Be your best self-do not be fake or trying to be something you are not. Be natural, open, friendly.



  • Networking is the art of connecting with others. Have a strategic approach that is mutually-beneficial when you are involved 2015-03-19 17.52.59in networking.
  • Become a member of a professional association-this helps immensely to be all the time connected, informed, to share and learn.
  • Give generously your time and help others all the time. Remember every person who has helped you.
  • Be humble. Never over estimate your own importance-even if you have become already very well known and successful.
  • Capitalize on your successes and share it with others all the time.
  • Have a “cross-disciplinary” approach-art is part of the whole environment and is connected with other areas-social, education, sport, recreation, entertainment, youth issues, etc.
  • Network constantly-use all occasions to meet new acquaintances.
  • Make sure that you are present at social media platforms, together with your in-person networking.
  • Cultivate relationships with people in your network over time. It might take some time to develop real trust and respect, so-be patient.


  • Define well what are your brand values?
  • Articulate your brand purpose clearly
  • Look at the subject differently-in a way that nobody else does.
  • Build trust and manage relationships all the time.

2015-03-20 12.00.34Here are some resources for artists who might help in exploring funding opportunities:

THANK YOU, YES MONTREAL! It was an amazing and unforgettable networking in an inspirational environment! My personal thanks go to Monika  Majewski and Jennifer Cooke for their devotion and efforts in making this event a success!

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