Employment History
- Consultant, Educator and Researcher, Strategy and Entrepreneurship in the Arts, Culture and Creative Industries (since 2003)
- Lecturer, Center for Cultural Planning and Development, University of British Columbia (online workshops) (since 2014)
- Regular Visiting Professor, National Academy of Theatre and Film Studies, Sofia (since 2013)
- Regular Visiting Professor, UNESCO Chair of Cultural Policy and Management, University of Arts, Belgrade (since 2002)
- Lecturer, Adjunct Professor, Courses on Strategic Management, Organisational Policy and Strategic Management in Creative Industries, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal
- Lecturer, Entrepreneurship, Concordia University, Montreal
- Assistant Professor, Management Department, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal
- Research Associate, David O’Brien Centre for Sustainable Enterprise, Montreal, Canada
- Moderator of Young Cultural Policy Researchers Forum (part-time), Laboratory for European Cultural Cooperation, www.labforculture.org (2009-2011)
- Website Manager, Chief Editor and Senior Consultant (part-time), Laboratory for European Cultural Cooperation, European Cultural Foundation, www.culturalfoundation.eu, www.labforculture.org (2005-2008)
- Director, Center for Intercultural and Social Development, Montreal, Canada
Member of the Editorial Committee, Canadian Cultural Observatory, Department of Canadian Heritage, Ottawa, Canada, www.culturescope.ca (2003-2004)
Director, Arts and Culture Network Program, Soros Foundations’ Network (the Open Society Institute Headquarter, Budapest, www.osi.hu).
- Dean of Department, Social and Cultural Management and Economics, University of National and World Economy, Sofia (1997-2000)
- Tutor, Lecturer and Consultant, Management and Marketing, the Open University, London / School of Management, Sofia (1995-1999)
- Full-time Professor on Cultural Management and Economics, Department of Social and Cultural Management and Economics, University of National and World Economy, Sofia
- Founder and President of the Balkan Arts Foundation (1993-1997)
- Academic Director, Arts Management Program, New Bulgarian University, Sofia (1996-1999)
- Assistant, Economic and Commercial Department, Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Sofia, Bulgaria
- Consultant, advisor and trainer with the Civil Society Development Foundation and the Democracy Network (1989-1995)
- Consultant to the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture and Trade Union of Bulgarian Actors; Participation at the ad hoc Legislative Committees (1989-1992)
- PhD researcher; Graduate Research Assistant on Economics and Management of the Arts, Institute of Labor Studies/Economic University, Sofia (1986-1991)
- Researcher, Management Consultant, Orgsystem State Co., Sofia (1985-1986)
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