The UNESCO publication “Cultural Organizations and the Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression” is a result of our joined work with Transformatorio team, led by Lazaro Rodriques and colleagues Ayeta Wangusa, Hiroko Tsuboi-Friedman, Khadija El Bennaoui!
This policy brief provides an analysis of how cultural organizations and events contribute to the objectives of the 2005 Convention through initiatives focused, among other things, on: (i) the mobility of artists and their creations; (ii) the creation of networking and collaboration opportunities to access new markets and funding; (iii) inclusion and the broadening of participation in cultural life; (iv) the promotion of underrepresented cultural expressions and artists; and (v) the generation of positive economic, social and environmental externalities.
Based on desk research and interviews with various stakeholders, this document highlights initiatives and examples of good practice by both established and emerging cultural organizations and events, active in all regions of the world, to support artists, ensure access to a wide range of cultural expressions and reinforce the whole creative ecosystem. Finally, it summarizes the main trends observed and offers prospects for future action to strengthen the capacity of cultural organizations and events to create opportunities for intercultural dialogue that promotes mutual respect among peoples and cultures, the free flow of ideas and the well-being of societies, in line with the objectives of the 2005 Convention.
Many thanks to the 2005 Convention Secretariat and the team involved in this publication! It was a truly rewarding experience to work with all of you!
Download the paper here:
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