This fall, the IN SITU project, where NATFIZ is one of the 13 European consortium partners, is launching a series of three webinars to address key themes that support the work of cultural and creative ecosystems in European non-urban areas. We’ll bring together cultural and creative organisations and initiatives, EU research projects, as well as IN SITU partners and advisors to learn from their insights and experiences and discuss common challenges.

Save the date for webinar N#1:
What contributes to the viability of small-scale creative enterprises (CCIs) in non-urban areas?
Thursday, September 28, 2023 | 10:30-12:30 (CEST)
Host: Erna Guðrún Kaaber, Bifröst University, Iceland (IN SITU Partner)

Lidia VarbanovaNational Academy of Theatre and Film Arts “Kr. Sarafov”,, Bulgaria (IN SITU Partner)

Ralph ListerTake Art Ltd, UK – SPARSE Plus
Musa Htlatshwejo, Mhayise Productions – STAND: Sustaining Theatre and Dance Foundation, South Africa (IN SITU Outreach Partner)

Martha Michailidou, Panteion University, Greece – CORAL-ITN

Ella Björn, Lapland University, Finland – SmartCulTour

With contributions by IN SITU Coordinator Nancy DuxburyCES | Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra, and IN SITU Advisor Susan Luckman, University of South Australia.

Register for the Webinar 1 here:

Upcoming …

Webinar N#2 | How can CCI innovation ecosystems be fostered in non-urban areas? (30 October 2023)

Webinar N#3 | How does cultural and creative work contribute to place-based sustainability and resiliency? (7 December 2023)


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